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Welcome to Little Skills by CBC

Our appropriate stimulation programme Little Skills by CBC is designed for babies from 4 to 18 months to contribute to their neurodevelopment, with personalised activities with a team of early childhood specialists at both Castillogrande and Anillo Vial. In our classes you can enjoy quality time between parents or caregivers and babies, while they learn skills such as: gross and fine motor skills, cognitive, sensory, communication and vestibular exercises.

How do our students learn?

Como aprenden-Little Skills CBC (3)

Strength and muscle tone

Acquisition of appropriate motor patterns at each stage of development.

Little Skills CBC

Integration of the senses

Cognitive bases with notions of up-down, in-out, fast-slow, big-small and body parts.

Como aprenden-Little Skills CBC (1)

Balance and coordination

With various exercises that promote the development of the vestibular system.

Como aprenden-Little Skills CBC (2)

Tolerance of frustration

Through activities of tolerance to textures, figures, among others.

Benefits of appropriate stimulation

Cognitive development

Stimulates the creation of neuronal connections, favouring early learning.

Language improvement

It promotes the acquisition of language skills and communication.

Emotional growth

Promotes security and bonding with parents and caregivers.

Motor development

Helps to improve control and coordination of movements.

Course and age equivalence

Scroll right to see the full table.

Edad / Age
4 to 7 months
8 to 11 months
12 to 18 months

Our day-to-day work

The best future for your children starts here. Write to us.


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