About us

The British School of Cartagena was born in Cartagena with the most innovative teaching methodologies for preschool, primary and secondary children.

With the purpose of offering a comprehensive education to the children of the El Cabrero neighborhood, an educational project to create the “My Little World” kindergarten was launched, which began its work in February 1979 with a group of 50 children.

Thanks to the motivation, drive and growing reputation of their members, each new year brought new students and with them, the need to continue with the other levels.

Colegio Británico de Cartagena

In 1979

The ladies Virginia Angulo, Cristina Mendoza and Elvira Pacheco de Gilchrist joined Maria Nelly Mendoza to continue this work.

In January 1980

The garden moved to Bocagrande and in 1983 primary education began and Calendar B was established.

In 1984

It changed its name to Corporación Educativa Colegio Británico de Cartagena, implementing bilingual education advised by Colegio Colombo Británico de Cali, with the special participation of Mr. John Cushnan, who introduced international programs to our campus.

On January 20, 1992

The College moved to a site specifically developed for teaching at kilometer 12 of the Vial ring. On June 17, 1994 the first class graduates and since then we have graduated a new group every year.

In 2014

The school was bought by Redcol and Ashmore, who today continue to give the school its unique ethos. Characterized by development, modernity, and progress, the new owners have an exciting and ambitious plan to rebuild both the school campus and its academic offering to become one of the best schools on the Caribbean coast and in Colombia.

To date,

The preschool located at the Castillogrande campus has been completely remodeled and the infrastructure is inspired by a concept of internationalization and globalization that allows students to feel that they are traveling the world within their spaces. Works have already started at the main site in Anillo Vial, where it is expected to see results of the first part from June 2020.
